With you, we transform lives.

Help us protect social services in Illinois and encourage investment in education, housing, older adult care, and family services. 

Casa Central reaches nearly 20,000 individuals a year, children, adults, seniors, and families. Our community needs us, and we need you.

Call Governor Rauner and your lawmakers ( 1-844-311-CUTS or 2887) and urge them to provide support for family and human services. Together, let's demand appropriations for services already provided and a fully-funded FY2017 budget. 

Stay informed:


Chicago Magazine: The Illinois Budget Impasse Explained 



4th United Way of Illinois State Budget Impasse Survey Results: Impasse has Starved Nonprofit Sector and Harms Vulnerable Citizens Across the State



Illinois Atlas of Austerity: Consequences of the FY2016 Budget Impasse



Take action:


1. Click here to find your state senator and representatives 

2. Voice your opinion: Contact Governor Bruce Rauner, Illinois Senate President John J.Cullerton, and Speaker of the House Michael J. Madigan

3. Show your support by tweeting @CasaCentral  and use these hashtags:

#ILBudgetNow #BudgetFirst #ChooseRevenue #TheHumanToll #Twill




Phone: (773) 645-2300

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