Casa Central is committed to providing the highest-quality services to participants in all of its programs, as well as to agency staff and stakeholders. The Performance Quality Improvement (PQI) system enables the agency to monitor the quality of services provided and continually create and implement plans to improve quality.
Performance Quality Improvement System
A primary purpose for the PQI system is to maintain a formalized venue for internally planning, measuring, developing recommendations for improvement and monitoring both the agency’s compliance with regulations and the quality of service provided.

The PQI structure has been created to coexist with the current management structure and to distribute the responsibility and accountability for quality service throughout the agency. The management structure retains responsibility for oversight and operations of the agency, while the PQI structure supports the collection, review, and analysis of information to make quality improvements in all areas, and to actively inform the Board of Directors, President, employees, and other stakeholders of the ongoing efforts to maintain high quality services.
Agency programs are monitored and evaluated on a quarterly and annual basis. Each program is required to define outcomes and develop measurable indicators for the fiscal year, and the program’s progress is assessed through quarterly reports.

The system structure has sub-committees comprised of staff from all tiers of the agency. The sub-committees focus on specific areas such as risk prevention management, policy advisory, performance management, case record review, and quality enhancement to ensure that defined standards of quality are being met. Because the PQI system touches everyone involved with Casa Central, the stakeholders in the system are numerous and play a valuable role in sustaining the quality of the agency. Specifically, as it relates to the program’s stakeholder groups, programs develop a mechanism to routinely inform participants about the agency’s PQI structure and program improvements, and to encourage their active participation with improvement efforts. The PQI structure also allows the opportunity to engage employees during improvement planning activities, and to communicate information throughout the agency, which contributes to the ongoing strength and capacity within the agency.

Since 2000, Casa Central has maintained agency-wide accreditation by the National Council on Accreditation (COA). COA is an international, independent, not-for-profit, child- and family-service and behavioral healthcare accrediting organization. Accreditation is viewed as a catalyst for change that builds on an organization’s strengths and helps it achieve better results in all areas. Organizations are evaluated against best-practice standards, which are developed using a consensus model with input from a wide range of service providers, funders, experts, policymakers, and consumers. During its most recent review, COA commended Casa Central’s evaluation process, stating that “The PQI process at this organization is well-planned, defined, and implemented. Casa Central’s Quality Improvement Cycle materials could be utilized as a model for other accredited agencies.”
For more information about Casa Central’s PQI system, and the ongoing effort to sustain the highest possible quality experience within the agency, please contact Marilu Villa, Director of Operations & Quality, at mvilla@casacentral.org.

NOTICE: Casa Central is not associated with the nursing home facility located at 1401 N. California Ave., Chicago, IL (Center Home Property, LLC). Center Home is not owned, operated nor in any way affiliated with Casa Central. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the nursing home, Center Home for Hispanic Elderly, please contact them directly at (773) 782-8700.
If you are seeking information regarding programs for older adults, Casa Central does offer Home Care Services and the Adult Wellness Center, which is a day service. Contact Casa Central directly for more information at 773-645-2300.